June 28, 2013


In fifteen minutes it will be my little sister's wedding day. Wow. I can't believe it. Just two short years ago the same day was happening in my life. I just want to go back to the simpler days when we wondered what we were going to have for dinner, fights about what TV show we were going to watch, and talking and laughing WAY to late into the night when we shared a room. 

Becca, I love you, and you have grown into such a Godly woman. You and William complement each other so well, and I hope that you show each other Christ each day, and when you don't that you are shortly reminded of his love and point each other back to that. It is the only way to get through life. 

Love, Abby 

June 2, 2013

A whole lotta bubble wrap....

So I've been outta the loop lately. Work is crazy busy, all of these weddings and wedding stuff is piling up, and we're starting to pack for our big move to Ft. Lauderdale! So much!! :) :(. I don't really know how to feel right now other than overwhelmed. In a good way, of course.

In short, the past few weeks have been filled with happies. My little brother, John graduated from high school, Joseph turned 25, and this weekend was my little sissy's bachelorette party. We had SO MUCH fun! I love her friends, too. I'm so happy that she had such a good support system in college, and will continue to have that for the next year since she and her husband, William will be living near school for him to finish out his degree.

Here's to a crazy June 2013, and may the moments last forever and be cherished.

- A